Romanjalee Gunawardana
1 min readMay 3, 2020


By Romanjalee Gunawardana

May 3, 2020

Is it too much to ask?

To love me for more than just my body?

To be so captivated by my eyes and the movement of my lips that everything else seems useless.

To crave me, to crave my thoughts, to crave my intelligence.

Don’t crave me for my body for loving my body is a nonsensical love.

A meaningless love

If you find yourself more captivated by my body rather than the specks of light in my brown eyes or the way my lips press against your cold skin…

Then let me go.

You don’t love me, you love a temporary part of me.

Is it too much to ask?

To love me for more than just my body?

